Sound Post / September 2019
Prince of Clouds
By Anna ClyneA Note from Concertmaster Holly
Two violins speaking together, weaving together in an evocative conversation that transports the soul so profoundly. The orchestra provides a gorgeous and haunting richness for the conversation to take place.
Prince of Clouds was picked as our first Sound Post to complement and contrast Bach Double Violin Concerto on the first concert of our 2019-2020 season. More of Anna Clyne’s work will be featured coming up in October in Symphonic Tales!
Questions for thought as you listen:
- Where does this work take your mind, emotions?
- Do you hear or see a story, a color, or a feeling?
There are no wrong answers, part of the fun is sharing and reading each other’s impressions. It only expands the richness of the experience.
Leave us your comments
And remember, there are no wrong answers!